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Ask anyone, French admin SUCKS. There’s so much to keep track of…even French natives don’t know how to handle it.

That’s where our team comes in. They suffered all last year learning about systems in France so you don’t have to.

And when we say suffered, we mean it (don’t bring this up with Zander, it’s a touchy subject).

Regardless, our knights have taken their administrative woes and transformed them into a compilation of all the best resources for saving money, getting around France, and more!

Carte ISIC


Your student card is your ticket to all the fun our school has to offer! Never leave home without it! After collecting your student card at the registration office, you must show your card to enter the campus each time. Meanwhile, there is a virtual card. To use that, you could download an application called ISIC;


Once you activate the online card, you can enjoy the offers from more than 150 partnerships like Disneyland, Uber Eats, Fitness Parc, etc…

Carte Vitale


“Carte vitale” is a health insurance card that ensures easy reimbursement of your medical expenses in France. And what’s absolutely amazing about it, is that it's FREE! You can apply as long as you are registered in the national health insurance system (the "Protection universelle maladie", also known as the "sécurité sociale" or social security). The only downside is that it might take 3-6 months to finally receive the card… but it’s truly worth the wait! If you have any questions about how to apply, dm @zanderkuebler on Instagram. He’s your healthcare guy!

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