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The coolest thing about our IS team? They’re here for YOU. No seriously. Nothing will make them happier than hearing from new IS. Whether it’s serious help with your bank account or a yo momma joke, these foreign knights are at your service. Check them out at Teddy’s main socials, or individually, for the more private requests 😉

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If you can’t find him studying or dealing with ESSEC admin, you’ll catch our hair-thrashing respo wherever there is English music and a good time. Contact Zander with any school/administrative questions…or a need to go crazy tonight!

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The queen of versatility. Pick a subject, she knows it. Pick a song, she'll dance to it. Pick a subject, she'll talk about it. For anything and everything, the legendary Zheniya is ready and waiting.

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Stomach rumbling, but tired of Cezam? Studied Zheniya’s videos but still can’t differentiate between supply and demand. Hit up Jinshen, our resident chef, foodie, and finance master!

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